discharge device for liquid media. the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical product discharge unit and in conjunction with such a unit. the invention relates to a pharmaceutical product discharge unit (10, 250), from a product reservoir (80) with a first discharge cover (260), a pump (26, 32), a channel inlet (24) to connect the product reservoir (80) with the pump (26, 32) and a discharge channel (36, 264) to connect the pump (26, 32) with the first discharge opening (260) . it is specially provided, according to the invention, that the first discharge opening (260) is part of a first partial assembly (250) of the discharge unit and the pump (26, 32) is at least one segment part (36) of the discharge channel (36), as well as the discharge valve (42, 44), provided in the discharge channel (36), is part of a second partial assembly (10) of the discharge unit, in which the first partial set (250) is formed as a partial set (250) that can be coupled to the second partial set (10) and can be decoupled from the second partial set (10) and an internal volume of a partial segment of the discharge channel extending from the discharge valve (42, 44) to the first discharge opening (260) is less than 15 (mi) l, preferably less than 5 (mi) l and especially preferred, less than 1 thousand. use of the medicine holder for mass vaccinations.dispositivo de descarga de meios líquidos. a presente invenção refere-se a uma unidade de descarga de produtos farmacêuticos e conjunto com tal unidade. a invenção se refere a uma unidade de descarga (10, 250) de produtos farmacêuticos, a partir de um reservatório de produto (80) com uma primeira a-bertura de descarga (260), uma bomba (26, 32), um canal de admissão (24) para ligar o reservatório de produto (80) com a bomba (26, 32) e um canal de descarga (36, 264) para ligar a bomba (26, 32) com a primeira abertura de descarga (260). está previsto especial-mente, de acordo com a invenção, que a primeira abertura de descarga (260) é part