Provided are: an oil or fat composition containing a roasted sesame oil, which enables salty taste and Umami taste of a cooked product to be felt satisfactorily and/or can reduce the degree of an oily feeling of the cooked product and a cooked product produced using the oil or fat composition. The oil or fat composition according to the present invention contains 9 to 51 ppm inclusive of a pungent component, wherein the roasted sesame oil makes up 40 to 80 mass% inclusive of the oil or fat composition and the oil or fat color value (25.4 mm cell) of the oil or fat composition as defined by the formula shown below falls within the range from 160 to 260. Oil or fat color value (25.4 mm cell) = Y+10R+10B (Y: the numerical value of a yellow slide, R: the numerical value of a red slide, and B: the numerical value of a blue slide.)提供一種油脂組成物及使用該油脂組成物的烹調食品,該油脂組成物是含有焙煎麻油的油脂組成物,可使得該烹調食品的鹹味及鮮味被充分品嘗出來,及/或能使該烹調食品不容易品嘗出油膩感。本發明的油脂組成物,含有9ppm以上且51ppm以下的辣味成分,前述油脂組成物的40質量%以上且80質量%以下是焙煎麻油,並且,前述油脂組成物的以下述所定義的油脂色值(25.4mm比色槽),是在160~260的範圍內。油脂色值(25.4mm比色槽)=Y+10×R+10×B(Y:黃色載片的數字,R:紅色載片的數字,B:藍色載片的數字)