Общество с ограниченной ответственностью (ООО) "Альтоника"
Бондарик Александр Николаевич (RU),Егоров Алексей Игоревич (RU),Харченко Геннадий Александрович (RU)
Utility model - a transceiver device for ultrasound research relates to medical devices and can be used in telemedicine diagnostic systems for ultrasound research (ultrasound). The technical result is the creation of a portable transceiver device for ultrasound, which, in combination with modern models of ultrasonic sensors, allows the possibility of qualified ultrasound examinations remotely - when the patient is in community-acquired conditions, for example, at home. This allows you to expand the arsenal of medical equipment used in ultrasound. To achieve the indicated technical result, a probing ultrasonic beam shaper, the output of which is connected to the input of a channel commutator configured to connect to a transducer, has a control processor connected to the interface module, a multichannel receiver containing N receiving channels and an adder, to the signal inputs of which the outputs are connected receiving channels, each of which contains a series-connected receiver with gain control, the signal input of which is connected to the output of the comm channel tator, and the output is connected to the signal input of the channel processor, the control input of which is connected to the control processor, and the output is connected to the input of an interface module configured to exchange data and commands with a personal computer, a microcontroller and a communication module configured to transmitting information to a smartphone or to the radio network of devices of "short range". In this case, the communication module is made in the form of a random number generator, a shaper of a radio signal at jumping frequencies, a message generation unit and a power amplifier with an antenna. 1 s.p. f-ly, 3 ill.Полезная модель - приемопередающее устройство для ультразвуковых исследований относится к средствам медицинского назначения и может быть использована в системах телемедицинской диагностики для ультразвуковых исследований (УЗИ). Техническим результатом являет