A reading method featuring direct manipulation of medical electrocardiogram (ECG) uses an electro-cardio detection apparatus to capture requisite clinical-use ECG image data and sends the clinical-use ECG image data to an ECG edit and conversion apparatus to analyze the contents and waveforms of the ECG. The ECG edit and conversion apparatus converts, via editing, the ECG image data into dynamic image data and static image data of the ECG. The converted dynamic image data and static image data of the ECG are used as electronic books after being simultaneously sent to an electronic read and operation apparatus. In this way, when used for the education training in medical institutions, this reading method allows the clinical medical personnel to perform operations directly on the electronic read and operation apparatus like the clinical operations on medical images, thus improving experiences in clinical learning and interpretation.一種直接操縱醫學心電圖的閱讀方法,其係以心電檢測機構擷取所需之臨床用心電圖影像資料,且將臨床用心電圖影像資料傳輸至心電圖編輯轉換機構進行心電圖內容及波形解析,讓該心電圖編輯轉換機構將心電影像資料編輯轉換成心電圖之動態影像資料以及靜態影像資料,最後將轉換後之心電圖之動態影像資料以及靜態影像資料同時傳輸至電子閱讀操作機構,藉以作為電子書使用。藉此,可作為醫療院所之教育訓練使用,讓臨床醫療人員可直接於電子閱讀操作機構上進行如同臨床上醫學影像之操作,而達到增加臨床學習與判讀經驗之功效。11‧‧‧心電檢測機構111‧‧‧檢測單元112‧‧‧心電圖讀取單元12‧‧‧心電圖影像資料13‧‧‧輸出機構21‧‧‧心電圖編輯轉換機構211‧‧‧心電圖診斷單元212‧‧‧心電圖波形量測單元31‧‧‧電子閱讀操作機構