As well as [problem] mosquitoes to prevent entering the puddle, even came into the puddle, prevent the mosquito is generated by the effect of drugs, mosquito eradication, provides agents with a cast net net. In [Resolution] fine mesh net surface 1, is on the edge of the net surface is a cast net type of net wearing a chain 2 made to the weight, and netplane Ya the bag 11 which put the medicine grain 9 You can keep hanging on the edge of the web faces, the edges of the web face by 2-3 fold, and you put the medicine particles into the folds. Medicine to be effective drugs without being swept away in the water by rain. In addition, rough to the end of the network surface in the ground to be able to correspond flexibly to prevent a gap or space to have chains of the weight, mosquito can be prevented from entering.BACKGROUND 7【課題】蚊が水たまりに入ることを防止するとともに、水たまりに入ってきても、薬の効果により蚊が発生するのを防ぐ、蚊撲滅、薬剤付き投網ネットを提供する。【解決方法】細かいメッシュ状の網面1で、網面の端には錘になる鎖2を付けた投網式の網であり、薬粒9を入れた袋11を網面や網面の端にぶら下げておいたり、網面の端を2~3重にして、その折り目の中へ薬粒を入れておく。薬が雨により水に流されずに薬の効果を発揮する。また、でこぼこの地面にも網面の端には錘になる鎖があるために隙間や空間ができないように柔軟に対応できて、蚊が進入するのを防ぐことができる。【選択図】図7