Yi Seed room Inner, which plant, plants tower, includes the Complex Number cultivating containers water holes Number Sprinkle, Complex pedestal, Zhu Body, and Move power source. Pedestal is with for placement one plane of what column Body Let what base seats And prolongs the extension of one of holding plane upward direction Complex Number cultivations culture container Department prolongs column Body and Fabric, the Office And Even of hole Open mouthfuls of what column Body phase Right Should what cultivating container of Complex Number Sprinkle water is divided to connect a water source, and Move power source is to provide the rooms the The Inner Electricity energy for planting cultivation tower ?works.一種室內植栽塔,包含基座、柱體、複數栽培容器、複數灑水孔及動力源。基座用以供放置於一平面,柱體設於基座並延放置平面之一向上方向延伸,複數栽培容器係延柱體分佈,複數灑水孔開口於柱體相對應於栽培容器之處並連接一水源,動力源用以提供該室內植栽塔運作之電能。