Yi Seed have the Lotus Peng Head that can radiate Gao Bo Long LED Light, include:Yi Zhu Body, Ju You mono- Even socket parts, an outlet part and the water holes holding part The Even socket part Ju You mono- Jin, The outlet parts have the rooms Body Light Yi Zhu Ji the water-supplying chamber that Yi With The Jin Shui Kong Even lead to, The holding parts Inner is formed with a Electricity source chambers, The Chu Shui Shi With The Electricity Yuan Shi Inter have a partition, the holes The partition Ju You mono- ShaftYi Hair Electricity Single member, Ju You mono- Hair Electricity Machine Ji the Electricity source chamber Inner , The Hair Electricity Machine Turn Shaft of Department what The Zhu Body of Yi Leaf Wheels , The Hair Electricity Machine wear the holes The Shaft The to The water-supplying chamber Inner , The Leaf Wheels Department it is affixed in The water-supplying chamber Inner And With The Turn ShaftThe one what The Electricity source chambers of Electricity Chi , Department InnerYi Hou Cover , Department With The accommodating Bu Knot are closed, Yi Feng Closed The Electricity source chambersYi Qian Cover, with the portions Spray Sprinkle Ji Yi Ring Wound Even meet the portions Spray Sprinkle what The periphery Hair light portion, another Sides of Spray Sprinkle hole The Hair light portion one Side of the portions Spray Sprinkle The with more Number with several Tou Guang District The Hair light portions is closed with the Chu Shui Bu Knot of the rooms Yi Qian Cover Light The Hair Guang Bu With The Zhu Body, and The Spray Sprinkle Kong Even is made to lead to The water-supplying chamber to the external world, and The Zhu Body Light Shi With The Qian Cover Light Shi Even are logicalOne Light has, with several Let whats rooms Body Light The Zhu Light Long LED Gao Bo and The Qian Cover Light Shi Inter And towards The Tou Guang District, The etc. is high, and wave Long LED Light With The Hair Electricity Machine and The Electricity pond Electricity Even c