T. lt; P gt; present invention; oacute; n refers to anti incendiary agent, sac amp; Aacute; functional ridicule, act amp; uacute; about the incendiary device of MAM amp; Iacute; ferros, especially the incendiary agent of Act amp; uacute; about expression and amp; oacute; (n) Oacute; at least one cell kinetics of at least one inhibition or inhibition expression method or amperometric method, in which the cell kinetics is selected from the group consisting of pyrophile cells, anti-inflammatory cell kinetics and chemotherapy cells; lt; / P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A AGENTES ANTI-INFLAMATORIOS, SACÁ;RIDOS FUNCIONALIZADOS, QUE ACTÚ;AN SOBRE LOS MECANISMOS INFLAMATORIOS EN MAMÍ;FEROS, EN PARTICULAR, AGENTES ANTI-INFLAMATORIOS QUE ACTÚ;AN SOBRE LA EXPRESIÓ;N DE AL MENOS UNA CITOCINA AL SUPRIMIR O INHIBIR LA EXPRESIÓ;N DE AL MENOS UNA CITOCINA, EN DONDE DICHA CITOCINA SE SELECCIONA DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE EN CITOCINAS PRO-INFLAMATORIAS, CITOCINAS ANTI-INFLAMATORIAS Y QUIMIOCINAS.<;/p>;