The bright object Quality whats for addressing Genus whats very type Class Visual pigments Class (the class of atypical retinoids) of this Hair locally control the purposes on Treatment Cuo Sore. Especially instantiate the effect that the part Yong Drug Learn Huoization Makeup product mixture Right what Ci Pi Skin disease Move object models of the golden Gang alkyl methoxy diphenylacrylate in Ning Rubber are fitted over containing The Tone.本發明述及屬於非常型類視色素類(the class of atypical retinoids)的物質於局部治療痤瘡上之用途。尤其是例示了含有經調配在凝膠中的金剛烷基甲氧二苯基丙烯酸之局部用藥學或化妝品混合料對於此皮膚疾病動物模型之作用。