Кадыков Альберт Серафимович (RU),Селявко Леонид Евгеньевич (RU)
The invention relates to medicine, to the section of Neurology and can be used in neurological and neurosurgical clinic in the treatment of patients with various forms of aphasia. A system for reconstructing speech in aphasia, consists of the speaker, microphone and sound recording device. It also contains two hollow duct made of plastic, the upper parts of which go into the hollow headphones, while the lower parts are combined into a common cavity. At the bottom of the duct - total cavity has a speaker and a microphone electrically connected to the recording device, and providing a delayed feedback by writing speech and play it back. Moreover, the lower part of the duct - the total cavity is made so that posted therein speaker and microphone located close to the articulation organs of the patient, providing a concentration of the speech waves. In this case, the ducts provide immediate feedback, through their speech in real-time from the organs of articulation to the hearing. The system allows flow to the patient immediate and delayed feedback (his hearing voices and voices recorded on the tape) with the same parameters at the expense of arrival of sound from one place - the total cavity situated in front of the articulation organs improve the quality of direct feedback due to the total concentration cavity speech waves improve the quality of the delayed feedback by applying sound waves patients own speech directly to its organs of hearing expand opportunities during the self-study.Полезная модель относится к медицине, к разделу неврологии и может найти применение в неврологической и нейрохирургической клинике при лечении больных с различными формами афазий. Система, предназначенная для восстановления речи при афазии, состоит из динамика, микрофона и звукозаписывающего устройства. Она также содержит два полых воздуховода, изготовленных из пластмассы, верхние части которых переходят в пустотелые наушники, а нижние части объединены в общую полость. В нижней части возд