Matansin derivative compounds (Matansin steroids); procedures for preparing complexes, including the dissolution of an antibody with one of the compounds and the separation of the complex antibodies; the complex; including the hydrolysis of the mixture; and Used as an anticancer drug
Maitansine derived compounds (maitansinoides); procedure of preparation of a conjugate comprising an Antibody in solution in contact with any of these compounds and separateThe conjugated Antibody conjugate is formed; said he understands; aqueous solution; and their use as Anticancer.<;p>;Compuestos derivados de maitansina (maitansinoides); procedimiento de preparació;n de un conjugado que comprende poner en contacto un anticuerpo en disolució;n con alguno de dichos compuestos y separar el anticuerpo conjugado que se forma; dicho conjugado; disolució;n acuosa que lo comprende; y su uso como anticancerí;geno.<;/p>;