Dog training box, made of aluminum or stainless steel, with sheet metal elements of 1 and 1.2 mm. In different ways, whose characteristic is that they are joined to each other with a system of hinges embedded in the same sheet and by means of a metallic rod as a pin, allowing them to be folded and unfold on themselves, forming a closed box by means of the coupling with each other and hiding between them when folded. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)1. Caja adiestra perros, fabricada en aluminio o acero inoxidable, con elementos de chapa de 1 y 1.2 mm. de diferentes formas, cuya característica, es que se unen entre sí con un sistema de bisagras embutidas en la misma chapa y mediante una varilla metálica a modo de pasador, permitiendo que se puedan plegar y desplegar sobre sí mismas, formando una caja cerrada mediante el acoplamiento de unas con otras y escamoteándose entre ellas cuando se pliegan.