Color adhesive tack guard that can be used for all tasks is characterized by a main body of about 18 cm. (or similar) and about 10 cm. (or similar) of rhomboid shape (oval), in semicircular form at the ends (figure 2) very thin of about 3 mm. (approximately) (figure 1). It has a fold that divides in one third the color sticky bag (6 cm approximately) to facilitate the placement between the body (yoke) and the sleeve. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)1. Salvacamisas adherente de color que se puede utilizar para todos menesteres está caracterizado por un cuerpo principal de unos 18 cm. (o similar) y unos 10 cm. (o similar) de forma romboide (ovalada), en forma semicircular en los extremos (figura 2) muy delgada de unos 3 mm. (aproximadamente) (figura 1). Tiene una doblez que divide en un tercio el salvacamisa adherente color (6 cm. aproximadamente) para facilitar la colocación entre el cuerpo (canesú) y la manga.