Present invention provide a producing method for cells containing blocks having steps of: 3D printing a mould by using a biocompatible elastic material; pouring a temperature sensitive material into the mould to form a temperature sensitive mould; injecting a cell containing gel in to the temperature sensitive mould and curing the cell containing gel; separating the temperature sensitive mould and the cured cell containing gel at a temperature that higher than a solidifying point of the temperature sensitive mould.一種含細胞之三維體的製造方法,步驟包含:利用一具彈性及生物相容性材質,以三維列印印製一標準化尺寸模具,該標準化尺寸模具設有複數個具不同三維立體形狀的凸塊;將一感溫膠體注入該標準化尺寸模具中,待該感溫膠體降溫凝固後取下為一感溫膠體模具,該感溫膠體模具對應該標準化尺寸模具該凸塊翻模為複數個具有不同三維立體形狀的凹槽;將一細胞水凝膠注入該凹槽並使其凝固;以及將凝固後的該細胞水凝膠連同該感溫膠體模具置放於高於該感溫膠體凝固溫度,使該感溫膠體模具自凝固狀態轉為液膠態,凝固後的該細胞水凝膠完整地自該感溫膠體模具釋出,得含細胞之三維體。