The present invention refers to a synthetic linear hybrid peptide, lacking disulfide bridges with antibiotic activity, and the variants thereof having up to 55% of identity, the peptides being designed and chemically synthesized from analogues such as Hadrurinae (Mexican Patent No. 985522, July 31, 2007) and Vejovina (Patent Application No. MX/a/2009 009090, August 26, 2009) isolated from Hadrurus gertschi and Vaejovis mexicanus scorpion venom respectively, with substantial modifications, which are not obvious for experts in the field, regarding the number of amino acids and the chemical nature thereof, in such a manner that it constitutes an new family of antibiotics (SEQID NO: 1, SEQ ID NO: 2, SEQ ID NO: 3, SEQ ID NO: 4, SEQ ID NO: 5, SEQ ID NO: 6, SEQ ID NO: 7, SEQ ID NO: 8, SEQ ID NO: 9, and SEQ ID NO: 10). This hybrid synthetic peptide and the antimicrobial variants thereof may inhibit the growth of bacteria culture. The originality of the new peptides is such that regardless of certain similarities to Hadrurinae, Vejovina, Opistoporina 1 and 2 and the Pandinina 1, these are unique since some analogues thereof (with less than 55% of identity of pair sequence in the 29 positions aligned to the SEQ ID NO: 2) are not functional. The invention also includes the pharmaceutical compositions for the application of the novel peptide and the DNA sequence encoding for the same.La presente invención se refiere a un péptido híbrido lineal sintético, sin puentes de disulfuro, con actividad antibiótica, y sus variantes de hasta un 55% de identidad, diseñados y sintetizados químicamente a partir de análogos como la Hadrurina (Patente Mexicana número 985522, de Julio 31, de 2007) y Vejovina (Solicitud de patente número MX/a!2009 009090, de Agosto 26, 2009) aisladas del veneno de los alacranes Hadrurus gertschi y Vaejovis mexicanus respectivamente, con modificaciones substancialmente importantes y no obvias para expertos en el campo, en cuanto al número de aminoácidos y su natu