Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Национальный исследовательский центр "Курчатовский институт"
Горин Кирилл Викторович (RU),Готовцев Павел Михайлович (RU),Борголов Артем Викторович (RU),Сергеева Яна Эдуардовна (RU),Родионов Дмитрий Николаевич (RU)
The utility model relates to the field of biotechnology, in particular to the cameras of the photobioreactor for culturing phototrophic microorganisms, intended for the cultivation of both marine and freshwater phototrophic microorganisms (unicellular microalgae, cyanobacteria, etc.). The technical result of the claimed utility model is to increase the efficiency of photobioreactors for the cultivation of phototrophic microorganisms through the use of adaptive lighting and reflective hydrogel plates with high albedo. To achieve this result, a photobioreactor chamber made of optically transparent material contains a main compartment with a L-shaped cover with a comb, the gap between the teeth of the comb is 10.75 ± 0.5 mm, the sensor compartment communicating with the main compartment through the gaps of the crest G -shaped cover, and an LED compartment with LED strips used as a source of artificial lighting, while the bottom of the main compartment is made with a slope of 2 ° to 5 ° towards the sensor compartment, the LED compartment is located below the main compartment, an opening for removal the cell suspension of phototrophic microorganisms is located at the bottom of the sensor compartment, the input hole is located at the top of the main compartment, the reflective plate of the hydrogel is floated on the bottom of the main compartment, in addition, the photobioreactor chamber is equipped with light sensors, a controller, and a resistor. 2 s.p. crystals, 4 ill., 1 tab., 4 ave.Полезная модель относится к области биотехнологии, в частности к камерам фотобиореактора для культивирования фототрофных микроорганизмов, предназначенным для культивирования как морских, так пресноводных фототрофных микроорганизмов (одноклеточные микроводоросли, цианобактерии и др.). Технический результат заявленной полезной модели заключается в повышении эффективности фотобиореакторов для культивирования фототрофных микроорганизмов за счет использования адаптивного освещения и отражающих