A wedge-shaped device for hand rehabilitation is designed with a curved surface on the bottom to match the contours of forearm or hand. A slot on its side is set to 1oop and secure the device on forearm or hand with band. Lateral side of the device is schemed with some slots to be placed a rope or ropes. A ring is tied to the other side of the rope and put into the rehabilitated finger(s). This device can be used for positioning, stretching, strengthening, rehabilitation exercises, and enhancement the joint mobility of finger(s) and wrist.一種手部復健輔助裝置,主要係為一楔形主體,主體下緣為一弧形底面,可讓本裝置貼合於手部,主體側面則設有貫穿槽,供綁帶穿越將主體固定,另主體凸起側面上設有若干凹槽,俾可容置拉線,而拉線的另一端設有手指環可套住所要復健的手指,此裝置可用於擺位、拉筋、手部肌力訓練、復健運動、增加手指手腕關節活動度等目的。