A method for preparing a biologically active complex comprises grinding raw material from shoots buckthorn knife mill to an average size of 0.5 mm pieces, mixing in a paddle mixer stainless steel crushed plant material and ascorbic acid, and to produce 100 kg of a powder of the active complex taken 95.5 kg milled buckthorn shoots and 5.0 kg ascorbic acid as well as the subsequent treatment of the mixture the solid phase mechanochemical grinding plant material in a roller mill under intensive mechanical treatment in the presence of solid food reagents to give a fine powder of composite particles with the size 70-300 microns, and the cells disrupted particles the introduction of the solid particulate reactant, wherein the composite particles comprise finer particles 200-800 nm plant materials. The raw material is made from harvested in early spring the young shoots up to 400 mm and the diameter of the lower cut no more than 5 mm, covered with silvery scales and stellate hairs kidney spherical, with 2-3 outer scales, covered with copper-bronze scales containing extractives extracted with 70% alcohol, at least 12% relative humidity of no more than 12%>total ash max 5%, impurities not exceeding 1%, and the chopped raw material, wherein the particles not passing through a sieve with openings of 0.5 mm, not more than 10%. The result is a simplification of the production technology, improve productivity (product yield per unit weight of raw material) and the duration of storage, preventing product contamination with toxic substances, reduction of production costs, ensuring the safety of chemical production.Linvention concerne un procédé de préparation dun complexe biologiquement actif, comprenant le broyage dune matière première constituée par des pousses dargousier dans un broyeur à couteaux en des pièces dune taille moyenne de 0,5 mm, le mélange du matériau végétal broyé et dacide ascorbique dans un mélangeur à palettes en acier inoxydable afin de produire 100 kg dune po