ЭВЕРСОН Дейвид С. Младший (US),КИЧ Дейвид С. (US),ТРАПП Бенджамин М. (US),ВИЛЬЯМС Нил Р. (US)
1. A device for a vascular system, comprising: a) a longitudinally extending wire having a proximal end and a distal end portion of the special form b) at least one electrically conductive path extending parallel to said wire c) electrical connector, said connecting wire with said electrically conductive path in a point distal to said specially shaped portion of said wire and d) a proximal portion, such as hypotube, coronary stent to restore vascular lumen (hypotube), an accommodating said wire, said conductive path and said electrical soedinitel.2. Device for the vascular system of claim 1, wherein the wire comprises a two-phase material which, when heated wire an electric current, changes the shape of the area specific formy.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 for the circulatory system, wherein the wire comprises nitinol.4 alloy. The apparatus according to claim 1 for the circulatory system, wherein the electrically conductive path comprises: (i) a first insulating layer at least partially surrounding the wire, and extending to a point distal to the site of a special shape and (ii) an electrically conductive member extending along at least an outer surface portion of the first insulating layer, to a point distal to the first insulating layer and in contact with the wire, the distal portion to the special formy.5. Device for the vascular system of claim 4, wherein the first insulating layer comprises a composite foamed polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) .6. Device for the vascular system of claim 5, wherein the composite comprises ePTFE silk and1. Устройство для сосудистой системы, содержащее:a) продольно продолжающуюся проволоку, имеющую проксимальный конец, дистальный конец и участок специальной формыb) по меньшей мере, один электропроводящий путь, продолжающийся параллельно упомянутой проволокеc) электрический соединитель, соединяющий упомянутую проволоку с упомянутым электропроводящим путем в точке, дистальной к упомянутому участку специальной формы упомянутой