Цуканов Владимир Евгеньевич (RU),Маловичко Владимир Викторович (RU),Третьяков Антон Александрович (RU)
1. A method for closed reduction of fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus with spokes intense beam osteosynthesis comprising a closed reposition bone fragments and performing osteosynthesis holding latch through cortical proximal diaphysis of the humerus at an angle to the longitudinal axis thereof into the medullary canal and into the humeral head, wherein that the position of the patient lying on the operating table under the electron-optical control is performed all stages of the closed reduction of fracture of surgical neck of humerus bone, the first determine the type adduktsionnogo fracture surgical neck of the humerus, as well as the lateral or medial displacement of the diaphysis of the humerus bone, performing a manual or using protivotyagi reduction separately laying head after the provisional muscle relaxation in the shoulder joint, followed by evaluation under the electron-optical ratio control the humeral head to the distal humerus using injected 3-4 mm skin incision along the outer surface of the outer rear m lye humerus curved awl form a channel in the condyle in the direction of the medullary canal of the humerus, and then through the formed channel and through the formed pinholes in the skin on the lower-outer rear surface of the external epicondyle of humerus is the elbow carried the introduction into the medullary canal of the humerus to fracture line strained spokes latches the selected kolichetvo, wherein each individual needle latch 2 mm administered using its rotation to form a beam1. Способ закрытой репозиции переломов хирургической шейки плечевой кости с остеосинтезом пучком напряженных спиц, включающий закрытую репозицию отломков и выполнение остеосинтеза проведением фиксатора через кортикальный слой проксимального конца диафиза плечевой кости под углом к продольной ее оси в костномозговой канал и в головку плечевой кости, отличающийся тем, что при положении пациента лежа на операционном столе под электронно-оптическим контролем вып