Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский технологический университет "МИСиС" (RU)
Рыклина Елена Прокопьевна (RU),Сутурин Виктор Михайлович (AU),Прокошкин Сергей Дмитриевич (RU),Сутурин Михаил Владимирович (AU),Хмелевская Ирина Юрьевна (RU),Чернов-Хараев Артем Николаевич (RU),Короти
1. A method of surgical treatment of intestinal obstruction of the small and large intestines, including total advancement of the endoscope through the small and large intestines, delivery of the dilatation balloon-stent system to the lumen of the intestinal obstruction, installation of a dilatation balloon at the site of intestinal obstruction, restoration of the normal intestinal lumen at the site of obstruction by expanding the dilatation balloon, then reducing the volume of the dilatation balloon, returning it to the endoscope, and installing the stent at the site of bowel obstruction chnika, wherein the motion control dilatation balloon and stent performed using a hydraulic piston mehanizma.2. The method according to claim 1, in which the total advancement of the endoscope in the small and large intestine is carried out through the oral cavity or through the anus. An endoscope for total surgical treatment of intestinal obstruction of the small and large intestine, containing an endoscope hydraulic drive for moving the endoscope and an endoscope body in which there are channels for supplying gas and liquid to the intestinal cavity, an optical, light and two manipulation channels, at the distal end of one the manipulation channel on the central part of the hollow manipulator rod, rigidly fixed to the stent extension piston and provided at both ends with restriction cylinders, tanovlen stent, and the distal end of the other channel manipulation is placed dilatation balloon mounted on a hollow rod-manipulator, is rigidly secured to the piston extension dilatation balloon, wherein the proximal ends of the manipulative1. Способ хирургического лечения кишечных непроходимостей тонкого и толстого кишечника, включающий тотальное продвижение эндоскопа по тонкому и толстому кишечнику, доставку системы «дилатационный баллон-стент» к просвету обструкции кишечника, установку дилатационного баллона в месте обструкции кишечника, восстановление нормального просвета кишечника в м