1. A convex device for an ostomy, comprising: i) a pressure sensitive thin central region with a thickness of from about 0.1 mm to about 0.5 mm, and coated on both sides with glue; and ii) a thick region located outside the central region and having a greater thickness equal to from about 0.5 mm to about 3 mm and coated on both sides with glue. 2. The stoma device according to claim 1, wherein the adhesive is a hydrocolloid adhesive. The stoma device according to claim 1, wherein the thin central region is perforated. The stoma device according to claim 1, wherein the thick region is at least 1 mm thicker than the central region. The stoma device according to claim 1, further comprising a transition region located outside the thick region, wherein the transition region is thinner than the thick region. The stoma device according to claim 5, further comprising a boundary region located outside the transition region, wherein the boundary region has a width of at least about 1 mm and a thickness of at least about 0.2 to 0.75 thickness of the thick region .7. The stoma device of claim 2, wherein the hydrocolloid adhesive further comprises a drug substance. The stoma device according to claim 2, wherein the hydrocolloid adhesive further comprises one or more accelerators. The stoma device according to claim 2, wherein the device further comprises additives for protecting the skin.1. Выпуклое устройство для стомы, содержащее:i) чувствительную к давлению тонкую центральную область толщиной от приблизительно 0,1 мм до приблизительно 0,5 мм, и покрытую с обеих сторон клеем; иii) толстую область, расположенную снаружи от центральной области и имеющую большую толщину, равную от приблизительно 0,5 мм до приблизительно 3 мм, и покрытую с обеих сторон клеем.2. Устройство для стомы по п.1, в котором клей является гидроколлоидным клеем.3. Устройство для стомы по п.1, в котором тонкая центральная область перфорирована.4. Устройство для стомы по п.1, в котором толстая область по мень