This creation system provides a kind of structure-improved of electric toothbrush, a kind of electric toothbrush as composed by handle, bristle component and sheath. Wherein, the bristle component of the electric toothbrush and sheath system are mounted on handle, when starting the switch on handle, the rotation of bristle component can be driven by handle internal cell output end, and with the more laborsaving and thorough dirt effectively cleaned between tooth seam and bacterium, while it can also prevent the muscle of cavity interior or mucous membrane from damaging because operational improper.本創作係提供一種電動牙刷之改良結構,一種由握把、刷毛組件及護套所組成的電動牙刷。其中,該電動牙刷之刷毛組件及護套係安裝在握把上,當啟動握把上之開關時,即可由握把內部電池輸出端帶動刷毛組件旋轉,且以較為省力且徹底有效地清潔牙齒縫間的污垢與細菌,同時亦可防止口腔內部之肌肉或黏膜因操作上的不當而造成傷害。