The Zong religion faith Wu structures that this Hair is bright to propose Yi Seed what cremate Games conjunctions, it includes faith Wu With outside one to set one of what its Inner mono- Inner of Feng Guan With faith objects. Outer faith object what Zong religions faith Wu structures cremate Hou Cheng Hui Ember, and leave Inner Feng Guan With Inner faith objects. Inner faith object heir Hou Qu Chu With give toward survivor Ling or bone Altar are respectful together.本發明提出了一種用於火化場合之宗教信仰物結構,其包含一外信仰物與置於其內之一封罐與一內信仰物。外信仰物於宗教信仰物結構火化後成灰燼,而留下內封罐與內信仰物。內信仰物嗣後取出與往生者之靈位或骨罈一起恭奉。