The surfaces Yi Seed bone ash Altar Inlaid Qian structure , Department include a bone ash Altar Body Ji Yi Cover Body, characteristic is in what:The bone ash Altar Body are Ji Let has the recess portion Zai Tou Over attached work what recess portion Inner of Chao Yin Bo Let Prepare Will in a manner of ultrasonic Ornaments product Shang the Biao Mian of Cover Body, thereby, can make bone ash Altar Body Ji the embedding Ornaments product Qie System journeys of Inlaid quickly effective percentage , Jin and Let the whole Wai Concept Installed Ornaments Zheng Qi Mei Concept persons again on the surface of Cover Body.一種骨灰罈表面鑲嵌結構,係包括有一骨灰罈體及一蓋體,其特徵在於:該骨灰罈體及蓋體的表面上設有凹部,再透過超音波設備以超音波方式將飾品附著於凹部內,藉此,能使骨灰罈體及蓋體之表面上鑲嵌飾品,且製程快速又有效率,進而讓整體外觀裝飾整齊又美觀者。