A diaphragm pump for reducing the pressure ripple of a discharged gas is provided. A diaphragm pump 1 which sends out a gas by the volume variation of a pump room 12 comprises: a discharge valve 30, allowing the outflow of a gas from the pump room 12 while prohibiting the flow toward the opposite direction; an air room 41 for the air to flow out from the pump room 12 through the discharge valve 30; a discharge port 43 for discharge the air outside of the diaphragm pump 30; and a through hole portion 44 for limiting the quantity of the air flowing toward the discharge port 43 from the air room 41.提供一種減少所吐出之氣體的壓力漣波(pressure ripple)之膜片泵作為課題。在解決手段上,膜片泵1,係利用泵室12之容積變化而輸送氣體的泵,具備有:吐出閥30,容許從泵室12流出的氣體之流動且禁止朝其相反方向之流動;空氣室41,係讓通過吐出閥30並從泵室12流出的氣體流入;吐出口43,使氣體朝膜片泵1之外部吐出;及貫通孔部44,限制從空氣室41朝吐出口43流動的氣體之流量。