The invention relates to a structural improvement of a tea extrusion and deblocking machine, comprising: a pressing device, which is provided with a feeding port, a discharging port, a pressing space and an extruder; a feeding device, which is provided with a platform and a a pusher, a lifter and a conveyor; a deblocking device is provided with a drum, the drum is provided with a feeding hole, a discharging hole and a dissolving space, and the pressing device is the feeding port Pour the tea raw material into the pressing space, press the tea raw material into the tea brick by the extruder, and send it to the platform by the discharging port, and push the platform from the feeding hole by using the pusher Into the deblocking space; thereby, providing a tea extrusion and deblocking machine structure, especially in the process of pressing and deblocking, using the feeding device to automatically feed, and achieve the purpose of automated production.一種茶葉擠壓解塊機結構改良,係包含:一壓製設備,其係設有一入料口、一出料口、一壓製空間及一擠壓器;一送料裝置,其係設有一平台、一推送器、一升降器及一輸送器;一解塊設備,其係設有一滾筒,該滾筒係設有一入料孔、一出料孔及一解塊空間,該壓製設備係由該入料口倒入茶葉原料置於該壓製空間內,以該擠壓器將茶葉原料壓製成茶磚,並由該出料口送出置於該平台上,並利用該推送器將該平台由該入料孔推入該解塊空間內;藉此,提供一種茶葉擠壓解塊機結構,尤指一種於壓塊及解塊過程中,利用該送料裝置自動送料,俾達到可自動化生產之目的者。