N refers to the use of a soluble lactate derivative as a solvent in agricultural land and amperometric formulations; Iacute; Iacute; micas, as amp; Iacute; tambi amp; eacute; n refers to the formulation itself in the form of concentration and dilution, and M amp; eacute; all of which are intended to prepare such a formulation. Especially,Invention and ampere; oacute; n refers to this formula (and a amp; uacute; n amp; Aacute; s ext amp; Iacute; latex concentrate and / or latex or microparticle), including a lactona derivative with 6 amp; Aacute; carbonate, and at least one agroqu amp principle; Iacute; 1. The active fungi were selected from the group of herbicides, protectants, insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, molluscs and plant growth regulators;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE AL USO DE UN DERIVADO DE LACTONA HIDROSOLUBLE COMO DISOLVENTE EN FORMULACIONES AGROQUÍ;MICAS, ASÍ; COMO TAMBIÉ;N A TALES FORMULACIONES PER SE, TANTO EN FORMA CONCENTRADA COMO DILUIDA, Y A MÉ;TODOS PARA PREPARAR TALES FORMULACIONES. EN PARTICULAR, LA INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A TALES FORMULACIONES (Y AÚ;N MÁ;S ESPECÍ;FICAMENTE A CONCENTRADOS EMULSIONABLES Y/O EMULSIONES O MICROEMULSIONES) QUE COMPRENDEN UN DERIVADO DE LACTONA QUE TIENE SEIS Á;TOMOS DE CARBONO Y AL MENOS UN PRINCIPIO AGROQUÍ;MICO ACTIVO COMO PESTICIDA SELECCIONADO A PARTIR DEL GRUPO CONSTITUIDO POR UN HERBICIDA, PROTECTOR, INSECTICIDA, FUNGICIDA, NEMATICIDA, MOLUSQUICIDA Y UN REGULADOR DEL CRECIMIENTO VEGETAL.<;/p>;