PURPOSE: A vegetation board is provided to observe the forms of plant roots, stems, and leaves and supplement the disadvantages of the existing artificial green materials. CONSTITUTION: A vegetation board includes purple eulalia and waste papers. The purple eulalia is miscanthus sinesis var. purpurascens. The rate of the purple eulalia to the waste paper is 70:30 to 60:40. A manufacturing method of the vegetation board comprises the following steps: mixing paper clay in which cut purple eulalia, waste paper, water are mixed adding a functional additive to the mixture and putting the functional additive-added mixture in a frame and removing moisture. The functional additive is wet strength agent, fertilizer or waterproofing coating material. A step of planting the seeds and coating are additionally added before the moisture is removed. The mixture is removed from a dryer after removing moisture at room temperature. [Reference numerals] (AA) Waste paper slurry (BB) Purple eulalia particles (CC) Plant seeds본 발명은 거대억새 및 폐지로 이루어진 부유성이 뛰어난 경량의 식물생육관찰용 식생판에 관한 것이다.본 발명에 의한 식생판은 식물의 특성에 대해 직접적인 생육 및 관찰이 가능한바, 식물에 대한 이해도를 높이고 어린이들의 정서적인 면을 향상시킬 수 있다.또한, 본 발명에 의한 식생판은 장기적으로 작물에 적합한 생육환경을 제공하고 있어, 수입녹화소재를 대체할 자원으로 가능성이 있으며, 옥상녹화, 사면 및 수직 지반의 인공지반 녹화 등 다양한 분야에 이용될 수 있다.