The present invention refers to a process for producing vegetable or fruitpulp or puree packaging, comprising thesteps of: a) providing pieces of fruit or vegetables; b) treating said piecesof fruit or vegetables so as to obtain a homogeneoussemi-processed product in the form of a puree; c) keeping said puree underagitation conditions at a temperature ranging fromroom temperature to 60°C for a time length ranging from 5 minutes to 40minutes, at a pH value ranging from 2.6 to 2.9; d) fillingsaid puree into a flexible bag formed of a sheet material comprising threelayers of food-grade plastic film and one layer of aluminiumfoil sandwiched between said layers of plastic film; e) creating a vacuuminside said flexible bag so as to reach down to avacuum value of not less than 0.2 bar; f) sealing said bag immediately afterthe vacuum creating step according to e) above; g)submitting said bag to heat treatment through a sequence of successive sub-steps comprising a first sub-step having a time lengthof anywhere between 15 and 25 minutes to rapidly bring the package up to atemperature of 105 degC, a second sub-step having atime length of anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes to hold the package at saidtemperature, a third sub-step having a time lengthof anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes to rapidly cool the package down to atemperature of 4 degC.