1. Sensor wavefront soderzhaschiyistochnik light 172 configured to output a light beam to illuminate the eye of a subject position-sensitive detector 122 having a plurality of detector elements configured to output a plurality of output signals indicative of the incident light level signal at each detector element, the first beam deflection element 112 configured to intercept the wavefront of the beam returned from the eye of the subject when the subject illuminated light source of the eye, and skonfi gurirovanny to direct a portion of the wavefront from the eye of the subject through the aperture to the detector, wherein a portion of the wavefront, directed through the aperture, forms a spot on the detector with an amplitude deviation of the centroid spot from a reference point on the detector, approximately said ratiometric combination of levels of the output signals, the deflection amplitude indicates degree of tilt or convergence or divergence of the parts of the wavefront from a plane wave, the reference wavefront generator 164 configured to generate cal rovochnogo wavefront equivalent to the wavefront that is returned from the subjects eyes, and having a predetermined degree of convergence or divergence of a plane wave, and the deviation of the centroid of the gauge wavefront to a position-sensitive detector is a deviation of the actual centroid to a predetermined convergence or divergence band-processing associated with a light source, the beam deflection element and a position-sensitive detector, configured to control the beam deflection element for deflecting1. Датчик волнового фронта, содержащийисточник 172 света, сконфигурированный для вывода светового пучка, чтобы подсвечивать глаз субъектапозиционно-чувствительный детектор 122, имеющий множество детекторных элементов, сконфигурированных для вывода множества выходных сигналов, указывающих уровень сигнала падающего света на каждом детекторном элементепервый элемент 112 отклонения пучка, сконфигурированный