The present invention relates to a method for increasing mating of a tiger, a mink, and a foxes. A fertilized egg of a tiger are transplanted to a leopard, a lion, a cheetah, a tiger, a hyena, a big cat, a fertilized egg of mink are transplanted to a weasel, an otter, a ferret, and a badger, and a mink, and a fertilized egg of a fox are transplanted to a dog anf a wolf. The well born adult is raised by feeding milk with the proper temperature. The less grown-up adult born from cat or the like is artificially nurtured by feeding milk, thereby obtaining high income by selling the same or parceling out.호랑이수정란을 표범 퓨마 사자 치타 호랑이 하이에나 큰고양이등에게 이식하고 밍크 수정란을 족제비 수달 페럿 오소리 밍크등에게 이식하고 여우수정란을 개 늑대등에게 이식하여 잘태어난 성체는 온도 및 우유등을 잘주어기르고 고양이등에게 태어난 덜자란 성체는 인공포육하여 우유등을 주어 길러 판매하거나 분양하여 높은 고소득을 올린다