In order for the food impression and flavor at the same time the protein and the lipid, the sugar and fiber quality, the mineral, to be able be good, take in the majority of the nutrition components of soybean vitamins and such as isohurabon chemical compound simultaneously tofu, the food and the fiber quality content bean milk are offered. (A) water soluble nitrogen characteristic is 90 or less of 75 or more, lipoxygenase value is 120 or less of 30 or more, content of the n hexanal is below 2ppm above 0.5ppm, the ecdysis soybean powder material where peroxide value is below 3.0meq/kg above 0.2meq/kg, in water dissolving distributing, the process which obtains the dispersion liquid, (B) the aforementioned dispersion liquid with the 120 - the 160 , process, and (C) heating treatment 1 - 600 seconds is done aforementioned process (B) after, to designate the aforementioned dispersion liquid as below the 100 , the said dispersion liquid doing emulsification distributed processing under the pressure of 25MPa - 200MPa, the fiber quality content bean milkThe process which it generates, it tried to contain.食感及び風味が良く、且つタンパク質、脂質、糖質、繊維質、ミネラル、ビタミン類、イソフラボン化合物等の大豆の栄養成分のほとんどを同時に摂取することができる豆腐様食品及び繊維質含有豆乳を提供する。(A)水溶性窒素指数が75以上90以下であり、リポキシゲナーゼ値が30以上120以下であり、n-ヘキサナールの含有量が0.5ppm以上2ppm以下であり、過酸化物価が0.2meq/kg以上3.0meq/kg以下である脱皮大豆粉末素材を、水に溶解分散して分散液を得る工程、(B)前記分散液を120℃~160℃で、1~600秒間加熱処理をする工程、及び(C)前記工程(B)後、前記分散液を100℃以下とし、該分散液を25MPa~200MPaの圧力下で乳化分散処理をして、繊維質含有豆乳を生成する工程、を含有するようにした。