As for this invention, halogenation 2 - weak basic substituent such as the pyro lysine part, the piperidine part, the piperazine part in the nitro imidazole, and azapan (azapane) the part (pKa approximately 8 or above that) you adopt as the big improvement for the preceding technology regarding the non invasive detection of the cell hypoxidosis which is in the midst of normality organizing and malignancy organization. This invention, [18F] positron emission tomography, [19F] magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and [19F] features the use of magnetic resonance picture method. The improvement for the chemical compound of preceding technology consists of six parts. 1) the salt of the weak basic reagent very water solubility becomes high, dosage easy with that. 2) the unreacted reagent is removed quickly from systemic circulation, background noise decreases with that. 3) the reagent which possesses the weak basic substituent is concentrated by approximately 3 times that density in the blood plasma while organizing, connection strength increases with that, at the same time signal detection increases. 4) the conjugate base of the weak basic reagent makes those permeation for all organization which includes the brain easy, intermediate octanol - it possesses water distribution coefficient. 5) the cell addition product of the reagent which includes the weak basic substituent is stabler than the reagent of preceding technology. 6) the reagent which possesses the weak basic substituent is effective to the detection of the temporary hypoxidosis which is in the midst of solidity organizing.本発明は、正常組織および悪性組織中の細胞低酸素症の非侵襲的検出に関する先行技術に対する大きな改良として、ハロゲン化2-ニトロイミダゾール中のピロリジン部分、ピペリジン部分、ピペラジン部分、およびアザパン(azapane)部分などの弱塩基性置換基(pKa約8またはそれ以上)を採用する。本発明は、[18F]陽電子放射断層撮影、[19F]磁気共鳴分光法、および[19F]磁気共鳴画像法の使用を特徴とする。先行技術の化合物に対する改良は6つの部分からなる。1)弱塩基性試薬の塩は非常に水溶性が高く、それによって投与が容易になる。2)未反応の試薬は体循環から急速に除去され、それによりバックグラウンドノイズが減少する。3)弱塩基性置換基を有する試薬は、組織中で血漿中濃度の約3倍に濃縮され、それにより結合強度が増加し、かつ信号検出が増大する。4)弱塩基性試薬の共役塩基は、脳を含む全組織に対するそれらの浸透