1. The carrier composition for filling a tooth root canal, comprising a crosslinkable polymer material.2. The carrier composition of claim 1, wherein the crosslinkable polymeric material is a thermosetting material.3. The carrier composition of claim 1, wherein the crosslinkable polymeric material comprises 1-4 cis, poliizopren.4. The carrier composition of claim 1, wherein the crosslinkable polymeric material is from about 1 wt.% To about 70 wt.% Carrier kompozitsii.5. The carrier composition of claim 4, wherein the crosslinkable polymeric material is from about 10 wt.% To about 40 wt.% Carrier kompozitsii.6. The carrier composition of claim 1, further comprising curing veschestvo.7. The bearing composition of claim 6, further comprising soagent.8. The carrier composition of claim 7, wherein the curing agent is from about 0.1 wt.% To about 30 wt.% Of the carrier composition, and the coagent is from about 0.01 wt.% To about 30 wt.% Carrier kompozitsii.9 . The carrier composition of claim 1, further comprising elastomer.10. The carrier composition according to claim 9, wherein the elastomer constitutes from about 0.1 wt.% To about 50 wt.% Carrier kompozitsii.11. The carrier composition according to claim 9, wherein the ratio of cross-linkable polymeric material to the elastomer ranges from about 10: 1 to about 1: 1.12. The carrier composition for filling a root canal of a tooth, soderzhaschayaot about 1 wt% to about 70 wt% thermosetting material.. From about 0.1 wt% to about 30% by weight of a curing agent.. OTH about 0.05 wt.% to about 50 wt.% fill1. Несущая композиция для пломбирования корневого канала зуба, содержащая сшиваемый полимерный материал.2. Несущая композиция по п.1, в которой сшиваемый полимерный материал представляет собой термоотверждаемый материал.3. Несущая композиция по п.1, в которой сшиваемый полимерный материал включает цис 1-4, полиизопрен.4. Несущая композиция по п.1, в которой сшиваемый полимерный материал составляет от приблизительно 1 вес.%