The invention relates to medicine and pharmacology, in particular to levorin antibiotic-containing medications, possessing chemotherapeutic activity against pathogens of viral, staphylococcal and fungal infections, as well as to substances, possessing burn-treating properties both in vitro and in vivo, cosmetic and hygienic action. The set task is achieved by that the medication possessing antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, burn-treating action, based on dimethylsulphoxide-containing levorin, in accordance with the invention additionally includes citral, and comprises levorin Aas levorin, with the following component ratio, wt.%: levorin A- 0.001-5 citral - 0.1-50 dimethylsulphoxide - the remainder. The task of the invention also comprises development of a method for obtaining medication possessing antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, burn-treating, cosmetic and hygienic action. The set task is achieved by that as levorin taken is levorin A, which is dissolved in citral with further addition of dimethylsulphoxide solution with additional introduction into the mixture of at least one more component, such as pharmaceutically acceptable active substance, and/or flavour, and/or dye, and/or thickening agent, with the following ratio, wt.%: medication - 5.0-50 additionally pharmaceutically acceptable components - the remainder.Изобретение относится к медицине и фармакологии, а именно к содержащим антибиотик леворин лекарственным средствам, обладающим химиотерапевтической активностью против возбудителей вирусных, стафилококковых и грибковых инфекций, а также к веществам, обладающим противоожоговыми свойствами как in vitro, так и in vivo, косметическим и гигиеническим действием. Поставленная задача достигается тем, что лекарственное средство, обладающее антивирусным, антибактериальным, антигрибковым, противоожоговым действием на основе леворина, содержащего диметилсульфоксид, согласно изобретению дополнительно включает цитраль, а в качестве леворина содержит леворин Aпр