The minute destructive instrument tool which relates to this invention, outside it possesses the steering wheel is connected by the sleeve and the aforementioned handle and extending it is the tube which is present in axial direction, the end of the said tube curved line is received inside the sleeve outside the tube and the description above which have possessed the expedient because the aforementioned end of the drawing and the said tube is locked in the bone under the cartilage and passing through the sleeve outside the said and extending the perforation component which is present and, having becomes, in order to destroy the bone under the aforementioned cartilage minutely the aforementioned perforation component movement and is made revolution possible inside the tube outside the description above.本発明に係る微小破壊用器具は、ハンドルを有した外部スリーブと、前記ハンドルに結合されかつ軸方向に延在した管であって、該管の端部が曲線を描きかつ該管の前記端部を軟骨下骨に固定するための手段を有している管と、前記外部スリーブの内部に収納されかつ該外部スリーブを通り抜けて延在する穿孔部材と、を備えてなり、前記軟骨下骨を微小破壊するために前記穿孔部材が前記外部管の内部で移動及び回転可能とされている。