This invention includes a Remotely-operated Electronic Rotatable Decoy Stand designed to support and impart rotational motion to a male turkey decoy. The remotely-operated electronic rotatable decoy stand is removably coupled to a male turkey decoy and is controlled directly by a human observer through activation of an electronic emitting remote fob. When operated, the fob imparts a single signal to the rotatable decoy stand. Upon receipt of the signal, the rotatable decoy stand rotates the coupled decoy at a rotational speed equal to that of a male turkey when presenting and rotating in its natural strutting display. Bi-directional rotation of the decoy is dependent upon the signal direction chosen by the human observer. When positioned in a location likely to be observed by the turkey, the rotational motion provides a method of attracting turkeys. Multiple Remotely-operated Electronic Rotatable Decoy Stands can be non-mechanically electronically linked to and controlled by a single electronic emitting remote fob.