A pet activity monitoring service system with functions of real-time recording and signal analysis. This system includes the wearable device and portable device with embedded application software inside. The wearable device can be wore on the pet and used to measure the real-time activity status of pet by integrated sensor. The recorded data will be analyzed by the embedded algorithm in the wearable device and output the quantified index of pet activity. The quantified index will be transferred to portable device through the wireless interface. The application software on the portable device will display, storage, analysis the received information and bridge it to the service platform. The master can monitor the information of activity status of pet by this service system. With the pet biological information, wireless protocol and analysis algorithm, this system can also be used to provide the information of healthy status and the location when pet get lost.一種運用於寵物活動狀態之服務系統,可執行即時量測與紀錄分析,本系統包括掛戴式裝置以及安裝有應用程式之可攜式裝置,掛戴式裝置使用時掛戴於受監測的寵物身上,利用活動感測元件即時量測寵物的活動狀態,再利用內嵌於掛戴式裝置中的演算法則,分析並量化出寵物活動狀態參數,再透過無線傳輸介面傳送至可攜式裝置接收,可攜式裝置接收後透過所安裝之應用程式進而顯示、儲存、分析以及介接至後端伺服平台。藉此,讓飼主可以隨時掌握寵物活動狀態資訊,同時透過演算法則及寵物生理參數的分析,可以提供更為詳細的寵物健康資訊,透過寵物搜尋功能可以提供主動式走失協尋服務。1‧‧‧掛戴式裝置11‧‧‧活動感測元件12‧‧‧無線傳輸介面13‧‧‧嵌入式演算法則#12‧‧‧可攜式裝置21‧‧‧應用程式211‧‧‧寵物生理參數212‧‧‧嵌入式演算法則#2213‧‧‧寵物搜尋功能