It refers to the frozen gasification products, including the products manufactured by using high-temperature accelerator under high temperature, with high insulation. This product is related to the partially solidified protein system, which is caused by the controlled coagulation of milk protein. It has obvious non-material sensory characteristics of freezing, including frozen products with very low temperature, especially in the case of low fat content.SE REFIERE A PRODUCTOS AIREADOS CONGELADOS QUE INCLUYEN PRODUCTOS ELABORADOS MEDIANTE EXTRUSION A BAJA TEMPERATURA CON CREMOSIDAD SUPERIOR. DICHO PRODUCTO ESTA RELACIONADO CON UN SISTEMA DE PROTEINA PARCIALMENTE COAGULADA INDUCIDO MEDIANTE COAGULACION CONTROLADA DE PROTEINA DE LECHE QUE IMPARTE ATRIBUTOS SENSORIALES SOBRESALIENTES EN CONFITERIA CONGELADA QUE INCLUYE PRODUCTOS CONGELADOS EXTRUIDOS A BAJA TEMPERATURA, EN PARTICULAR CUANDO TIENEN BAJO CONTENIDO DE GRASA