Floating particles consist of a solid primary active nucleus and an inhalable alkaline substance to produce gas separation, but do not include an acidity that can produce gas separation because the gas is generated by contact with the acidity of the liquid. Be on it
Floating Granulate comprising a Solid core that supports an active principle, and a compound capable of generating a gaseous Detachment consisting of an alkylating Agent.Where no such Granules comprises an agent capable of generating gaseous acid Detachment; and its Preparation Process.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UN GRANULADO FLOTANTE QUE COMPRENDE UN NÚ;CLEO SÓ;LIDO QUE DA SOPORTE A UN<;br />;PRINCIPIO ACTIVO, Y QUE COMPRENDE TAMBIÉ;N UN COMPUESTO SUSCEPTIBLE DE GENERAR UN DESPRENDIMIENTO GASEOSO<;br />;CONSTITUIDO POR UN AGENTE ALCALINO.<;/p>;