Present invention is related to a four-way extendable non-woven fabric structure comprising a non-woven layer and a stretchable layer. Modulus of elasticity of the stretchable layer is higher than the non-woven layer. The non-woven layer has multiple fibers being randomly arranged. The stretchable layer has multiple pores which some of the fibers of the non-woven layer are mounted or passed through the pores. The non-woven layer of the present invention may obtain better extendibility by randomly stitching some of the fibers of the non-woven layer into the stretchable layer. Thus, the present invention may provide better fitness and cover ability when applied to human body.一種四向彈性不織布層結構,包含相互疊合的一不織布層與一彈性膜層,該彈性膜層的彈性係數高於該不織布層,該不織布層是由複數條不規則排列的纖維所組成,該彈性膜層具有複數個孔隙,該不織布層的部分該纖維嵌入或貫穿於該孔隙中;本發明透過針扎製程,使該不織布層的部分纖維嵌入或貫穿於該彈性膜層中,產生類似縫合固定的效果,該彈性膜層可使原本不具備拉伸、延展能力的不織布層,產生可拉伸、延展的效果,使不織布層可應用於人體相關產品,並且具有更服貼、包覆更完全的效果。11‧‧‧不織布層13‧‧‧彈性膜層