1. The laminated absorbent core comprising a first, lower layer of the laminate and a second laminate top layer, wherein the first, bottom layer of the laminate includes a first base substrate, and the second, upper layer of the laminate includes a second base substrate, wherein the superabsorbent polymer material forms a plurality of strips on each of the carrier bases: first and second, the strips are spaced apart such that adjacent strips are formed between the gaps, with the second laminate layer located on the first laminate layer in such a Braz, the first and second supporting bases are turned outwards and the strip of superabsorbent polymer material of the second layer of the laminate occur in gaps formed in the first layer of the laminate and the strip of superabsorbent polymer material of the first laminate layer occur in gaps formed in the second layer of the laminate, each of the gaps in the first layer of the laminate is wider than the corresponding band of the superabsorbent polymer material of the second layer, located above this gap, and each of the gaps in the second layer l Minato wider than the corresponding band of the superabsorbent polymer material of the first layer, located under this clearance, the superabsorbent polymer material is at least partially immobilized first adhesive, the first adhesive forms a fibrous layer between the first and second layers laminata.2. The laminated absorbent core according to claim. 1, characterized in that the second adhesive is applied to the first and second carriers based on the first and second laminate layers such that the second adhesive is coated in the gap1. Ламинированная абсорбирующая сердцевина, содержащая первый, нижний слой ламината и второй, верхний слой ламината,при этом первый, нижний слой ламината содержит первую несущую основу, а второй, верхний слой ламината содержит вторую несущую основу, при этом суперабсорбирующий полимерный материал образует множество полос на каждой из несущих основ: пе