Biostimulator based on auxin ( indole acetic acid 3 ) isolated from bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium. It is used in processing the seed crops and vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. Indole 3 acetic acid at a concentration of 0.1 to 50 µg/ml stimulates the growth of trees and root crops, vegetable crops, flowers and ornamental plants, yielding seed of greater energy for germination and emergence. Seeds treated with biostimulant have significantly longer stem and root compared to untreated seeds, which gives them an advantage for survival in adverse environmental conditions.Biostimulator na bazi auksina (indol 3 sirćetna kiselina) izolovanih iz bakterija Bacillus subtilis i Bacillus magaterium. Koristi se u doradi semena ratarskih i povrtarskih kultura, cveća i ukrasnog bilja. Indol 3 sirćetna kiselina u koncentraciji od 0.1 do 50 µg/ml stimulativno deluje na rast stabla i korena ratarskih, povrtarskih kultura, cveća i ukrasnog bilja dajući semenu veću energiju klijanja i nicanja. Semena tretirana biostimulatorom imaju značajno duže stablo i koren u odnosu na netretirana semena, čime stiču prednost za preživljavanje u nepovoljnim uslovima životne sredine.