The present invention relates to a method for inducing more accurate body composition information, compared with a conventional body composition analyzer, by calculating the weight of a bone by modeling a linear regression equation using dimension information on each portion of a body to accurately analyze the body composition. A method of obtaining a body size using a smartphone performs calculation by converting dimensions of various portions, such as an arm, a wrist, a leg, an ankle, a chest, a shoulder, a head or the like, in a scaling manner by using data on the height of a photographed target person. Errors are reduced in calculating body water, protein, body fat or the like, thereby remarkably increasing accuracy.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017정확한 체성분 분석을 위하여 신체 각 부위의 치수정보를 이용하여 선형회귀방정식을 모델링 하여 뼈의무게를 산출함으로써 기존의 체성분 분석기 보다 정확한 체성분정보를 도출하는 방법을 수단으로 한다.