ГЕЙСБЕРС Герардус Хенрикус Мария (NL),ВАН ДЕН БРИНК Хендрикус Бернардус (NL),СЛЕГТ Сандер (NL),НЕЙХОФ Нильс (NL),ДИЙККАМП Дирк (NL)
1. A vest for carrying by a living creature, made with the possibility of using a card for electrical activity, the vest (108) contains: a plurality of skin electrodes (109) for positioning on the outer surface of the body of a living creature (30) when wearing a vest (108) by a living creature (30), and for receiving electrical signals from the heart of a living creature (30), an optical fiber read circuit (107) to form an optical signal read circuit, indicating a three-dimensional circuit fiber (107) optical read circuit and for providing a signal for optical reading of the circuit to the block for calculating the positions of the cutaneous electrodes. 2. A system for providing a card of electrical activity of the heart of a living creature with the help of electrical signals from the heart, obtained through a variety of cutaneous electrodes located on the outer surface of the body of a living creature, in which the vest according to claim 1 is worn by a living creature (30) and contains many cutaneous electrodes, the system contains: - a spatial relationship determining unit (112) for determining the spatial relationships between the fiber (107) of the optical sensing circuit in the vest (108) and the cutaneous electrodes (109), a unit (113) for calculating the positions of the cutaneous electrodes for calculating the positions of the cutaneous electrodes (109) depending on the three-dimensional contour of the fiber (107) of the optical read loop, as indicated by the optical read signal of the loop provided by the optical pickup fiber (107) of the loop, and spatial relationship. block (110, 114, 115, 122) determining the position of the heart structure to determine the position of the heart structure of the stomach1. Жилет для ношения живым существом, выполненный с возможностью использования для обеспечения карты электрической активности, жилет (108) содержит:- множество накожных электродов (109) для расположения на наружной поверхности тела живого существа (30)