patent: pharmaceutical composition for prophylaxis and treatment of infectious and noninfectious diarrhea. The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for the prophylaxis and treatment of infectious and non-infectious diarrhea, comprising medicinal hydrolyzed lignin and living saccharomyces boulardii yeast strain cells in the amount of 10 ^ 9 ^ - 5 ^ * ^ 10 ^ 10 µl live yeast cells to 1 gram of hydrolyzed lignin. preferably, the composition is prepared by uniformly mixing a freeze-dried living cell, i.e. anabiotic state, powder of the saccharomyces boulardii yeast strain with medicinal lignin powder. This drug (pharmaceutical composition) is preferably proposed as a general drug for diarrhea during travel, when it is difficult to make a diagnosis and establish the cause of the intestinal disorder and when an effective drug is urgently needed before medical consultation. which will exhibit marked adsorbent and antiviral antimicrobial effect as well as normalizing effect on intestinal motor function. Moreover, the range of diarrhea-causing agents which can be suppressed is widened, discrepancies are reduced and treatment times are shortened with respect to various other bacterial food poisoning agents.patente de invenção: composição farmacêutica para profilaxia e tratamento de diarreias infecciosas e não infecciosas. a presente invenção refere-se a uma composição farmacêutica para a profilaxia e o tratamento de diarreias infecciosas e não infecciosas, compreendendo lignina hidrolisada medicinal e células vivas de cepa de levedura saccharomyces boulardii na quantidade de 10^ 9^ - 5^ *^ 10^ 10^ de células vivas de levedura para 1 grama de lignina hidrolisada. de preferência, a composição é preparada misturando uniformemente um pó liofilizado de células vivas, ou seja, células em estado anabiótico, da cepa de levedura sac-charomyces boulardii com lignina medicinal em pó. esse fármaco (composição farmacêutica) i é proposto de preferência como medicament