<; p >; provide foodstuffs (Meat & nbsp; that have the appearance and texture of fig. 1 cooked Meat. Are provided, and & nbsp; S, M & eacute; All to produce such products (C & aacute; Meat.In One embodiment,A M & eacute; includes Mix all Dry Ingredients containing Plant Protein Ingredients & amp; nas with H & 'Medes that include Water and / or oil to not form a Mass C & aacute; mica; Heat Mass C & aacute; pressure rnica Bertalanffy & acute; maintain pressure while n is transferred; Mass C & aacute; rnica heated to a Cooling Device to cool gradually; and the Mass nOr C & aacute; rnica heated gradually decreases while the pressure on the Mass & acute; S N C & aacute; rnica hot, to form a food product C & aacute; rnico.Mixing by a Mixer can be Continuous or discontinuous; The heating can be done by a device selected from the group consisting of a high Shear Emulsifier, a Heat exchanger and an Electric Heater; Diel & eacute; and gradual Cooling Can be done through a Heat exchanger. <; / p >;MÉTODO PARA ELABORAR UN PRODUCTO ALIMENTICIO NO CÁRNICO QUE COMPRENDE MEZCLAR INGREDIENTES SECOS QUE COMPRENDEN PROTEÍNAS VEGETALES CON INGREDIENTES HÚMEDOS QUE COMPRENDEN AL MENOS UNO DE AGUA O ACEITE, CALENTAR LA MASA A PRESIÓN ENFRIAR GRADUALMENTE LA MASA PRODUCTO ALIMENTICIO NO CÁRNICO