during the preparation, which is almost entirely by its composition of complex sugars, and in appropriate conditions can be a source of food for microbes, which changes during the fermentation process of other products such as.alcohol, lactic acid and co2. it is useful also as a raw material for various sugar beverages, including fermented (e.g. honey honey honey beer, wine, vinegar, etc.).during the fermentation with spacings for the effective microorganisms is the subject of this invention and a new fermented honey product, and also a new product with the so-called spacings for the effective microorganisms.the invention is a liquid for drinking and consists essentially of water, honey and effective microorganisms.Med je živilo, ki je po svoji sestavi skoraj v celoti kompleks sladkorjev in ti so v ustreznih pogojih lahko vir hrane za mikrobe, ki ga pretvarjajo tekom fermentacije v druge produkte kot npr. alkohol, mlečna kislina, C02. Tako je uporaben tudi kot surovina za različne medene pijače, med katerimi so tudi fermentirane (npr. medeno pivo, medeno vino, medeni kis...). Med fermentiran z efektivnimi mikroorganizmi je predmet tega izuma in predstavlja nov fermentirani medeni proizvod, prav tako pa nov proizvod s t.i. efektivnimi mikroorganizmi. Predlagani izum je tekočina, namenjena pitju in je v osnovi sestavljen iz vode, medu in efektivnih mikroorganizmov.