This invention, use of the aforementioned protein the microbe which disassembles tokisohurabin and that derivative and the protein which disassembles tokisohurabin and that derivative, as a plant transformation selected marker, with the rearrangement manifestation vector and the aforementioned vector which include the gene and the aforementioned gene which code the aforementioned protein character the transformant which is converted, character regards the selective method of the plant which is converted and the transformation plant which utilizes the tflA gene, and the production method of the transformation plant which utilizes the tflA gene with the rearrangement vector and the aforementioned vector which include the plant transformation selected marker revelation cassette and the aforementioned revelation cassette which include the tflA gene. According to this invention, the transformation plant body where tflA is revealed reaches the point where the character which resists to tokisohurabin is granted, when especially, it is the rice plant, resists to the rice plant rubbing bacterial disease, it being possible to bring the improvement of yield increase and quality of the rice plant, in addition, in place of the existing high antibiotic medicine, is possible the fact that it sorts the transformation plant making use of tokisohurabin of cheapness.< Selective figure >Figure 14本発明は、トキソフラビンとその誘導体を分解する微生物、トキソフラビンとその誘導体を分解するタンパク質、植物形質転換選択マーカーとしての前記タンパク質の用途、前記タンパク質をコーディングする遺伝子、前記遺伝子を含む組み換え発現ベクター、前記ベクターで形質転換された形質転換体、tflA遺伝子を含む植物形質転換選択マーカー発現カセット、前記発現カセットを含む組み換えベクター、前記ベクターで形質転換された植物、tflA遺伝子を利用する形質転換植物の選択方法、及びtflA遺伝子を利用する形質転換植物の製造方法に関する。本発明によると、tflAが発現される形質転換植物体は、トキソフラビンに抵抗する形質を付与するようになり、特に、稲の場合、イネもみ枯細菌病に抵抗し、稲の収穫量増大と品質の向上をもたらすことができて、また、既存の高い抗生剤の代わりに、安価のトキソフラビンを利用して形質転換植物を選別することができる。【選択図】図14